Enjoy Our Family

We started this blog as a way to keep our long distance family and friends informed. It has turned out to be a great way to share kodak moments. ENJOY!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life in the Hospital - Day 5

Well, here I am....25 weeks 5 days and officially admitted to the hospital. Although I know it's going to be rough, I guess it is the safest place to be. I came in with contractions last Friday. They raised my dose of Nephedipine (sp?) and have been monitoring me closely. I see the doctor today and they will check my cervix. Good news is the the test they give for preterm labor came back negative....that means I shouldn't go into preterm labor in the next 1 to 2 weeks. I was also given the steroid shot to help the babies brains and lungs just in case they were to come out. It is getting easier here because they do not have me hooked up to so many wires. I can handle that. Kids are going crazy at home...arguing, etc. I'll have to figure out a plan for that. Well, time to order breakfast...it is nice to just pick up the phone and have food delivered. :) Better enjoy that while I can.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making it past the 24 week mark. That is huge! Take the time to try to rest and let others wait on you. Keep those babies cookin'.
    proud mommy to BGB
    born 2/16/07 @ 30 wks
